AGC is an all terrain modular wheeled system for transportation of special equipment and ISO standard containers and prompt loading on C130 cargo aircrafts (without any specific prearrangement).
Loading/unloading supporting equipment, such as key loaders and fork-lifts, is not necessary with the AGC System since loading operations can be made without previous prearrangements of the aircraft.
The AGC system has been designed taking into consideration the C130 aircraft loading features and capacities; it can perfectly perform DO-DO (Drive On – Drive Off) operations, a functional upgrading of RO-RO (Roll On – Roll Off).
The system modular architecture allows several configurations with different loading capacities, from 6×2 up to 6×8 versions.
AGC system is built in accordance with civil and military road regulations.
Due to it’s great flexibility it can be used in both military and civil field.